This is part 2 of a piece I wrote earlier which you can read here. All caught up? Awesome, let’s dive right into the newest and lowest of what Texas Athletics is doing to keep Texas Tech fans away from the Frank Erwin Center tomorrow.
After re-opening their live chat feature, the University released a statement to their season ticket holders saying that the game was officially a sellout, even though Coach Beard told the media that no student would be turned away, citing that they could fill the upper deck with students if need be. Beard and the University of Texas have backed off that statement after many questions, including some from our very own Twitter Account!
Later that day, the University released a statement via the media stating there would be no more tickets sold to the public and that “thousands” of tickets had been withheld from the public so they could have more students attend the game. The issue is this sectioning off of students hasn’t happened ever in Texas Basketball History.
According to HookEm.com, the University lied when they emailed season ticket holders proclaiming tomorrow’s game was a sellout. They went on to say that no more tickets would be able to purchase but that the game was not a sellout.
The University of Texas has never been shy about making some money. Their fans openly brag about how much more money they bring in than anyone else. Why would a University with so much pride tied to its money-making ability suddenly stop selling tickets to a game with such high demand? We all know the answer to that question.
Imagine if Texas Tech had withheld thousands of seats from the public. There would be public outrage. The Red Raider faithful that consistently fills those seats would be jaded and upset. Chris Beard claimed he had no knowledge of any of these proceedings in his weekly press conference Thursday. He seemed to dodge the question of why all the red tape and obstacles were being thrown up this game. Again, we all know why.
Like Kirby Hocutt said last April, Texas Tech fans will continue to fill whatever arena Texas plays in for the foreseeable future. The shady techniques that Texas and their Athletics Department employ to appease Beard and his ego will be overshadowed by the sheer amount of chanting and cheering being done by Texas Tech fans tomorrow in the Frank Erwin Center.
If you’re going tomorrow, cheer loud, be passionate, and show the man what he’s missing out on here in Lubbock. Guns Up!

Travesty to the UT students here. I’m appalled UT powers that be here are such freakin chicken shits about all this. Jus proved they are scared to death Adams beats Beard twice in same year! Ha!!! 😡